Often when we ask our clients to name people who have really strong brands in their organization, the people they identify have some common characteristics. One of these is personal effectiveness—they always seem prepared, always have high quality input to contribute to the dialogue, and rarely seem harried or disorganized. This ability to ‘show up’ effectively day-to-day is extremely important as it contributes to the consistency of the experience of you!
Here are three simple–but very powerful—steps you can take to ensure you show up very effectively day-to-day. 1. Before you leave the office Friday night, print out your schedule for the coming week (or month). 2. Look at the meetings you have in the following week, and spend just FIVE minutes focused on each one. Ask yourself: ‘What is my point of view on this topic? Who are the key decision-makers involved in this topic, and what are their consistent concerns? What will progress look like on this topic and what insights, questions or ideas will I contribute to move the ball forward? What do I want to have happen by the end of the meeting?’ 3. Make notes of your thoughts on your calendar printout, and carry it with you throughout the week, both for reference, and so that you can add notes as your thoughts progress.
If you consistently follow these three simple steps, you’ll enhance your on-the-go leadership impact, and build your brand in the process. Try it today—you will be pleased with the immediate results you get.